Sunday, April 29, 2007

Beaded Roses

My Beaded Roses

My Past crochet works

Some of my past works.
A Blue Ripple blanket I made for my oldest Grandson when he was younger.

I made this Dbl Strand rainbow ripple as per my youngest daughters choices ( with a lil coaxing, of course *wink*). It is currently on MY bed and has been quite used. That is her 2 yrs ago with my cat garfield ( red domestic) and Chloe the fe. calico.
I dont remember who got this one I think I made this for a gift. My oldest may have requested it since I think I would remember If I gave it. It is a white/baby color ripple
Another baby blanket. Variegated baby colors My oldest gave this to her co worker at her shower.
Tri-color blue dbl stranded baby blanket for my second gr.son who will be one yr next month on the 15th.
Some booties for him.

Second Paper Mache Bowl

This is the second bowl I did. I finished a while ago but havent completed it. It is smaller then the other and deeper. The outside design was loosely based on something I see I believe it is aztec? Not sure. I did it with tape and just painted between.

I have been haunted by these symbols on the inside. When I started thinking about doing PM Bowls a couple of yrs ago, I started to see this design. I had to do one. The really weird thing? Right after I did this I watched a movie- "The Lady in the Water" and saw these same symbols in the beginning of the movie, as part of the narration.. Too Freaky!

I am almost done. I need to put an outer coating of sealant and add the feet.

Hydrangea Cane

I just attempted this cane again...................:-(

Again it dont look so hot....................

Ah Well Back to practice..................This is getting expensive

Maybe I should practice with some kiddie modelling clay? It might be cheaper.

My Teapot

I just got done firing this. I worked on it for about 2 days. I couldn't get the pot right and working without a pasta machine was giving me uneven clay. Thin on the edges and thick in the middle.
I tried the Nicole brand and the Amaco brand clay 'Pasta" machines and they all broke down within 1-2 weeks of purchase. I could hear the gears grinding, or in the case of amaco they ground one day and separated the next.

I really should get a "Real" pasta machine but I dont have the 60.00 or so to invest in the really good ones I see people using, "Atlas-Marcatto" or "Trattorino" ( spelling?) "Pasta queen". Thats is 3 names I have seen recommended.
Also NOone except BBB sells them around here. There used to be a 'Lechters' but they went OOB.
Anyway. Here is my teapot:
Since I was having problems with the belly of the beast I used a baby food jar as an armature. It is wrapped in vines with leaves. I have NOT sanded it yet so it still looks a little spotty.
But this was my first attempt at crafting more then beads ( except for the dinko bird..He is so sad looking :-P...LOL)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Clay Day Today

Today I decided to use up some of the canes I had been attempting. I made beads, I covered an egg, and a couple of jars ( baby food). I will have pics soon.Last night I worked a little on the paper mache. I love doing it It makes me feel good, now I just wish I could stand long enough to do more at a time...:-(

Here is a wide shot of my work area. You can see the yellow bowl in the background that needs sanding before embellishing, and the one on the table in progress. I have 2 more in the boiler room. I have another table in my bedroom where I watch tv at night with the better cable...LOL thats where I clay when not upstairs.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Ugly flower cane

My Ugly scrap flower cane.....I threw this together last while watching dncing with the stars. It is so infectious...I just needed to knead!

My Clay Roses

I LOVE Making Roses.

Paper Mache Bowl

I started doing paper mache after I got inspired. Yrs ago I saw an Artist on Chris Lowell. Ellen Jantzen. She did a paper mache Comic Bowl. After watching her I thought I could do that. I had taped the show ( as I usually do) and yrs later I dug it out and then took do the computer to research it. I found all kinds of ways of PM'ing. I tried the strip method and made an Easter egg to hang outside. I wanted the mash method. I wanted clay!
I sought some recipes and finally came up with something that works. I used a beach ball as an armature or mold to get my shape. After about 3-4 layers I learned to smooth out the last layer with a wet hand. I gave a light sand and then I painted it with a layer of Gesso. After that was dry, I used 3 different green Acrylics I had in my craft box.
I picked up some wall paper border that was on mark down. I loved how the sunflowers Just seemed to Pop right out. I cut out a few and decoupaged them to the bowl. I used round wooden beads (Actually Doll Heads) and spray painted them black for feet.

It Looks better in person I promise. In fact I like it. I wont give it away or sell it because I know where the errors are and they are a reminder to slow down and dont do it again! :-)

I am currently working on 3 more bowls and 2 wall hangings with mirrors.

Better shots?

The problem is there is no zoom. Well this is a swirly lentil I made with the scrap mosaic from the end
These are the mosaic hearts waiting to be baked. There is also the cookie cutter star pendant


I got my webcam hooked up, adjusted the settings and the pics seem to be better.

We will see.....I am going to try to upload here and see what they look like. When I tried to edit them in one of my photo programs ( of which I have many) they looked like crap.
Cross our Fingers.

My Mosaic Cane. First Attempt, NOT too bad.

Some mosaic pendants ( hearts) acnd a couple of lentils waiting to be baked. I Gotta Get a better shot.

My Star coookie cutter cane, First Attempt.

Monday, April 23, 2007

A new Week.

Well, as I mentioned or didnt my digicam crapped out on me, which makes 2 cameras that wont work for one reason or another. I gotta see if I can get it to work with the batteries, since the plug connection seems to have fried?

Right on time for the new blog ( this one) too... Ahhhhh

I got a webcam but the piccys arent all that great, but we will see.

Yesterday I did a Mosaic Cane. It looked pretty neat. *Note to self get a piccy*

I am still working on some paper mache bowls too. My youngest wants one of everything I make...LOL.. a piece of cane, an exact duplicate of my first bowl, my clay covered pens, jars, and barrettes.

I guess I shouldn't complain, at least someone likes them.

I am still getting the urges to go back to my first craft. My teddy bears. I really liked doing them and the designs flowed easily. It was "MY" Talent. I wasnt learning somebody elses design.

Oh well. I want to finish what I got now. We will see.

Gotta Go Dinners Burning.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


OK I can put in the title now.....I had changed the transliteration button for hindi....WTF?
There is NO link on top though for a URL as in when I blog from an article............Hmmmmmmmmm

Well now lets see if the labels are working.


UHOH Something is wrong. I cant put in a title. ... GRRRRRR

Well it was starting to come together, Nicely. But now I have to find out why the title wont enter.... *SIGH*

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Happy Birthday!

A new Blog is Born........

Just what the net needs, more clutter...LOL

Anyway this site is currently under construction, and is expect to be up and running soon. :-)

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