Thursday, January 21, 2010

PET Posies TUT

OK I video taped 4 ( 3 actually, I blew the lights the first time ) times how to do make these and BLOGGER in their Usual way WON'T upload the video. I even went as far as downloading a converter and changing it from .MOV to .MPEG and that didn't work either...Of course Blogger in their usual Ascineine selves don't have any help available and the user group on GOOGLE is just as USELESS!....SO I will attempt to do this with Pictures....
I hop you understand this....Meanwhile I am trying to figure out the video crap, and no i do not want to use you tube.. I hate them worse then blogger.

Needle nose pliers
Heat Gun
Empty PET bottle ( of course)
Transparency paint or nail polish
Embellishments if you want
and patience

Take your PET water bottle and cut the bottom off, about 2 ribs from the bottom. Then cut into the 5 long ( my bottle has long and short ribs on the bottom, most only have 5 ) ribs.

You see them Long Lines leading to the center? Thats what you cut. VVVV

This is the side that gets heated ^^^^^

After this position the center with the with the curve away from heat gun (point heat on the outside bottom center). DO NOT put bottle to close or it will MELT too fast. You are sculpting the plastic, so you need to be slow going.

You will start to see the bottom curl a little. Keep bringing it close and pulling it away as you turn the piece. Then take your pliers and pull it taut to melt out the rest of the soft stuff and decrease the wrinkling from the lines in the bottle. Finally use your pliers to curl the top of the petal into a nice flower.

Paint with stained glass or transparency paint or enamel, or even nail polish and embellish.

I hope you understand, I suck at teaching..haha... Any questions leave them in the comments, or you can hunt me down on the web...I am everywhere.... Happy Sculpting...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I have been away ... Shame on me...

I allowed myself to become distracted and turned into a Facebook Junkie over the holidays.....But I am back....Unfortuneatly I never took Pics of the things I made for Christmas. I need to round up my girls and get them to model their earrings and bracelets.

Anyhoo... I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas Holiday. I cant wait for spring. WooWoo Gardening and fresh veggies..... C'mon Mama Nature.

I will be posting a tut later on how I make my Bottle Posies. I have had several ppl ask....The best part about using the bottoms? I can still get my 5 cents back for the rest of the bottle...:) 2-4-1 <3

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