Thursday, June 7, 2007

A Chain Reaction Brings Extruded Cane Beads

...And I love them!
So here is the story, I went surfing around to some of my bkmk'ed clay spots. One stop I made was at Silastones Blog.
She always has such nice Beads. She is one very Talented Lady and she inspires me.
She had a link to Polymer Clay Notes where she referred to Extruded Gane.
That in turn Linked to a French Site where the showed What they did. ( Of course I can't read French, Thank Goodness for Piccys...LOL).

Well, I being one who is always looking to try something different and unique decided I might put some of my ugly cane , ya know, flowers gone bad, in the clay gun and extrude some snakes and give it a whirl.

This is what Happened....I wish you could see the Colors. They remind me of some of the planets, and I have aptly named them. I will see if my daughters camera can tkae a better picture, in the meantime I have these.

Also this past week I did this to kind of use up some of my excess leaf cane ( the ones I wasnt quite satisfied with.)

It is something Different for me, the first time I tried a 3d jar.
As for my Paper mache bowl I was working on? I scrubbed the flowers out and picked up so silks instead, as soon as I attach them I will post a piccy.

Meanwhile due to the heat and restriction on my clay time I have gone back to beading. I can't really clay with my gr.son running me ragged anyway, but I started doing a hyacinth flower in beads 2 yrs ago. I put it down when I moved and hadn't picked it back up until now, finally.
I found a tut on line on how to do it, and will post those pics and links shortly as well.

As for now I am going back to my room.
I slipped on the steps this morning and I am a hurting unit. I took something for the pain and am now sufficiently tired...LOL, unfortunately it didn't kill the pain completely, just took the edge off....

I should have more to post tomorrow.

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